Digital Marketing – The Beginner’s Guide for Business Owners


Dec 2021

Do you wish to see continuous, viable, and substantial growth in your business? If your answer is yes (because who would say no to this!), then you must be keen on learning digital marketing. We will begin by going over the digital marketing basics and then we will dig deeper into the details.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is simply a way to put your business out into the digital world and draw attention of your ideal customers towards your products or services. The most common digital tools such as search enginessocial media, and email marketing channels, allow you to share your message with a much broader audience and target the people who are looking for information relevant to your business.

Many business owners today are not aware how to use the internet to their advantage, especially when they don’t recognize the importance of digital marketing. That being said, progressive businesses are relying more and more on digital marketing for promoting their offerings. They realize that a personalized website or running some un-focused Ad campaigns is no more enough, not anymore.

Why Digital Marketing is so important?

Where can you find a large, relevant, and engaging audience for your business? That’s right! On the internet. Businesses have a compelling reason to bring their marketing campaigns online with over 4.3 billion active internet users worldwide. According to Pew Research, "frequent" internet usage among adults has climbed by 5% in the last three years. And, despite what we say all the time, the way people shop has changed as well, which means offline marketing isn't as effective as once it was. Marketing has always been about making the right connections with the right people at the right time and in the right place. That implies that you'll have to meet your potential customers where they already spend their time i.e. on the internet.

Let’s think about this together: Google and Facebook make more money than any other traditional media company because they manage to receive more attention. That is why digital marketing is most important; it is where you get more attention. Recent technological advancements have made it much easier for businesses to quickly set up digital marketing campaigns even with modest budgets. Moreover, we can regularly and effectively track a campaign’s performance and pivot as needed. 

What Digital Marketing channels are available to grow your business?

Digital marketing tactics give business owners the best prospects for survival, competition, and even business growth. There are many digital marketing channels available, which you can employ to market your business, products or services, in an effective manner. Our experts will explore few of the most popular ones and highlight the value they would bring to your business as well as provide clarity on why they should be a part of your marketing strategy.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Suppose a person searches for “how to bake a fish” online using a search engine such as Google, Bing, etc. The user is more likely to click on the top recipe's website. Search Engine Optimization, as the term indicates, is the process of improving your website's ranking on alternative search engines. Uplifting the page's SEO will not only boost its online presence but also its traffic and activity. 

Pay Per Click (PPC)

Clicking on an online display ad, for example, can direct potential customers to another page with further information about the product or service. They may purchase the offering if they feel interested throughout the encounter. PPC advertising appears in several forms such as video adverts, product listings, and sponsored stories. The two best known PPC advertising platforms for search engines are Google and Microsoft advertising.

Microsoft advertising manages all search advertising campaigns on the Bing, AOL, and Yahoo networks. The second platform is Google Ads, formerly known as Google Adwords, and it is Google's online advertising platform. Both platforms use similar ranking criteria for paid Ads with a  few noticeable differences: (1) when compared to Microsoft, Google has more online searches, which means Google ads are likely to receive more impressions and clicks, and (2) Google Ads have a higher cost per click, while Microsoft Advertising is relatively a cheaper option, making it appealing to those with a limited advertising budget.

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Social media is a great platform allowing businesses to connect with their existing and potential new clients, respond to their questions, introduce them with any new products or services, showcasing their culture and values etc. Below are the platforms offering a space for the most dynamically two-way conversation.


Facebook, which has an enormous user-base, offers features such as look-a-like audiences (public audiences filtered by your existing fans, clients, data, app, or pixel) that influence prospects who resemble your existing clients. Retargeting is another useful Facebook feature: you can build a Facebook audience for your advertising that is made up completely of people who have previously visited your website.


Instagram is one of the most visually stimulating social media platforms. It offers photo, carousel, and video post ad formats, as well as the choice of publishing sponsored ads in the story section, where content vanishes after 24 hours. There is no doubt that Instagram is visually appealing, and given that links can now be added in promoted posts, it's no wonder that almost all fashion and beauty brands as well as online celebrities are active on it.


Twitter is popular worldwide for two main reasons: its relevance in real-time, or what is going on right now, and hashtags, which highlight trending topics. These super traits can benefit brands: by producing and promoting content in real-time and reaching more people at the right time. You may also share content with users who are interested in topics similar to your offerings by segmenting your ad campaigns by using a keyword/hashtag.


Video marketing is a fun and entertaining way to reach your target audience. Maintaining a YouTube social media presence comes with several advantages, including the opportunity to reach a potentially large audience on a shoestring budget and the ability to "tag" keywords to videos allowing you be more easily found by people. 


LinkedIn, as said to be the worlds’ biggest professional platform, is specifically designed for businesses and individuals seeking each other. It has a reputation of holding over 706 million members, 50 million companies, and active members in more than 200 countries. Thus, this social media platform adhering well to a large corporate audience.

Well, businesses clearly should not miss out on the opportunity to capture more attention and must actively advertise their products or services through these social media platforms. 

Email Marketing

Email marketing allows you to engage with your target audience on a far more personal level. It's a sort of internet marketing that can help you stand out from the crowd. You can send your email subscribers exclusive 'insider' content, special offers, and personalized content. You can also entice the non-subscribers into signing up for updates by appealing discounts. Email marketing not only helps you drive more sales and conversions but also support you in creating a sense of loyalty. 

Why Expert Assistance is Necessary for Digital Marketing?

You may be feeling a little overwhelmed by all the information provided. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg in digital marketing. There’s much more to ponder if you’re striving to decide whether you should pull off marketing on your own or just better seek assistance from experts. Outsourcing an uphill task like marketing is extremely beneficial and here are a few key reasons why you should consider getting professional assistance:

(1) Marketing is vital to your company’s long-term success. However, it's a full-time job in and of itself, and you already have the sizable burden of running your business. 

(2) Marketing gurus know how to get a business noticed and can quickly adapt to new techniques. It may take a few months for these techniques to yield results, eventually, it's an investment that pays off and empowers you to scale.

(3) Social media marketing is highly competitive. A digital marketing specialist will have the necessary skills and expertise to swiftly identify your target demographic and gain a deeper understanding of who your customers are and what they require.

Although retaining a digital marketing agency may seem costly at first, you will reap the high return on your marketing investments – saving you money in the future.

The Bottom Line

Businesses must make proper use of digital marketing to compete in today’s economic environment. Consumers are using more screens than stores. You should reach them where they are accessible. The contemporary purchasing process starts online. Enough said, get started with digital marketing today!

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